1. FASD is not very common.

It is estimated that 4% of the Canadian population have FASD (CanFASD, 2018). Many of these children are not diagnosed due to a lack of understanding and awareness about FASD, a lack of diagnostic services, and stigma associated with acknowledge alcohol consumption during the pregnancy (Popova et al., 2018).

5. Challenging behaviour seen in FASD is related to poor parenting.

Challenging behaviour seen in people with FASD is related to the impact of prenatal alcohol exposure on brain and body development. People with FASD may have problems managing the symptoms and frustrations of living with the disorder. Behavioural problems may be triggered by a lack of understanding and appropriate supports. When people do not understand

3. People with FASD have a low Intelligence Quotient (IQ).

Although many people with FASD have an IQ within the “normal” or even “high” range, many are not able to function as expected for their age. In other words, they may have average IQ, but below average adaptive function. IQ is often used to determine if a person is eligible for services and support. As

2. People with FASD have recognizable facial features.

Very few people with FASD have recognizable facial features. The facial features (short palpebral fissures, thin upper lip, and a smooth philtrum) occur if the fetus is exposed to alcohol between days 18-21. There is no connection between having FASD facial features and the person’s intellectual capacity.


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